








去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:hilaryqing Unit 1 Nice to meet you! 教学目标:

1、用“Nice to meet you!”“How are you?”“I’m fine, thank you”向他人致以问候、表达关心,以及对他人的问候做出回应。 Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too! This is….

2、掌握词汇:morning, afternoon,meet 理解词汇:doll

4、字母o在单词中的发音。 教学重、难点:

1、教学重点:用“Nice to meet you!”“How are you?”“I’m fine, thank you”向他人致以问候、表达关心,以及对他人的问候做出回应。

2、教学难点: Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too! This is…. 课时安排:xK b 1.C om 教学内容|课时安排| A、B部分|1课时| C、D部分|1课时| E、F、G部分|1课时| Period 1




3、能灵活运用“Nice to meet you!”“How are you?”等问候语进行日常问候。

2、教学重点及难点 重点:用“Nice to meet you!”“How are you?”向他人致意。 难点:This is….

3、教学准备 句型卡片、小闹钟、教学挂图、教学磁带等。

4、教学步骤 Step 1Warming up

1、师生问候。 T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Zeng.

2、游戏——击鼓传球 击鼓传球,鼓声停时,球落在谁的手里,则需迅速地用1个单词描叙他的。

求湘少版6年级下册英语教案1份。第1单元是A family outing

4、求湘少版6年级下册英语教案1份。第1单元是A family outing

教学目标:   能初步询问他人“What will your family member do at the ..?”并能运用“ My family will…描述家庭成员活动。歌谣:能伴着节奏,跟随录音带1起大声朗读,感受英语韵文的韵律美。能询问和介绍他人家庭活动。   能运用E部分问题提示和写作模块描述家庭活动。   重点难点:   能运用E部分问题提示和写作模块描写家庭活动。   教学准备:   Word cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument   教学过程:   Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)   


2、Guessing game   收集、挑选3—4张第2课时学生的描述家庭活动的作业,反面朝外贴在黑板上。随即抽取几名学生读出描述活动并找到错误处,这1环节旨在体会玩中学,学中玩,提高英语学习的兴趣,为学生口头作文打下基础。   Step 2新课呈现(Presentation)   1. 话题导入。   教师拿出自己家庭活动时的合影,介绍:“This is my father。 He is watching TV. This is my sister. She is going shopping at the mall…。   (引导学生描述老师家庭成员的活动。)   T: Is she watching TV? Is he taking a walk?   S1 : Yes, he is taking a walk.   S2: No, she is going shopping. S3 : …。 …   2. 口头作文   3. 根据写作辅助模块1或课文模块,自主写作。   e.g. My family usually goes to park at weekends.   My family usually goes to park and supermarket.   I want to watch a movie with my parents.   I want to go to beach with my brother. …   4. 将自己写的读给同桌听。   Step 3 歌谣表演(Let’s chant)   读然后学习唱出“The more we get together“。选出唱的最好的学生。   Step 4作业布置(Homework)   写1篇小短文,描述自己家庭成员的活动。



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湘少版小学英语6年级上册全套教案,内容很多,这里只能复制1小部分,详细的你到我们网站去下载 Unit one: The children are playing in the park. Content of courses: textbook P1-4 workbook P1-4 Teaching aims and demands: Learn the words & phrase: swing slide bench bark chain bite stone. Can master the sentence ” … is v+ing” Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. Calendar plan: Period Arrangements Period I Part B Period II Part A Part C Period III Part D Part E Period IV Part F Workbook Period I Content of courses: textbook P2 Part B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Be able to master the words & phrase: swing slide bench bark chain bite stone. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1. Greeting.. 2. Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it? Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Learn to say: swing T draws a swing on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Learn to say: slide T draws a slide on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. Learn to say: bench bark chain bite stone in the same way. Drill.⑴T shows the pictures and Ss say the words. ⑵T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words. ⑶A guessing game. Open the books at Page 2, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards. 2. Listen & act. Step 4.Consolidation 展开。
