What time of day do birds sing the most?鸟类唱最多声响的时间是什么时候?


Birds usually sing during dawn or dusk. 鸟儿通常在黎明或黄昏时唱歌。

Birds tend to sing more during dawn and dusk when its light but not too hot or bright. 小鸟倾向于在黎明和黄昏时唱歌,这时阳光不太热也不太亮。

Birds usually sing during dawn or dusk,也就是黎明或黄昏的时候。通常在早晨和傍晚时分,鸟儿会歌唱出它们最美妙的歌喉来迎接新的一天或者结束旧的一天。

Birds tend to sing at dawn or dusk when its still dark but not too early for them. 小鸟们通常在黎明或黄昏时分唱歌,那时天还很暗但已经太早了。

Birds usually sing at dawn or dusk. 鸟儿通常在黎明或黄昏时唱歌。

Birds usually sing at dawn or dusk,也就是黎明或黄昏的时候。一般在日出和日落之前1-2小时开始唱歌吧!小鸟们喜欢在这个时间里歌唱呢!

Birds tend to sing during dawn or dusk

Birds usually sing at dawn or dusk,即黎明或黄昏。通常在早晨和傍晚是鸟儿唱歌的时候。

Birds usually sing during dawn or dusk when its still dark but not too early for them to feed their young. 鸟儿通常在黎明或黄昏时唱歌,这时天还很暗但早于他们喂养幼崽的时刻。
