Which fruits should be avoided due to their high sugar content?哪些高糖含量的水果需要避免食用?


The fruit that has the highest amount of natural sugars is bananas。香蕉含天然糖分最多的水果。


Some of the most sugary fruits are bananas、kiwis和strawberries。一些最甜的水果包括香蕉、奇异果和草莓等。


Fruit juices are generally considered higher in sugar than whole fruit because they lack the fiber that helps slow down digestion.果汁通常比整颗水果含更多的糖分,因为它们缺乏纤维素。

Avoid eating too many grapes as they are very sweet. 少食葡萄,因为它们非常甜。

Some of the most sugary fruits include grapes bananas oranges pineapples and strawberries。一些最甜的水果包括葡萄、香蕉、橙子和菠萝以及覆盆子等。

A good example of this would be bananas which are very sweet but have many health benefits when consumed in moderation。例如,香蕉是非常甜但当适量摄入时有许多健康益处。
