

** color and pattern for character and event highlighting**

1. Use contrasting colors to highlight the character or event.

  • For example, a character with dark hair could be highlighted against a light background, or an event could be highlighted against a dark background.

2. Use patterns to create a visual hierarchy.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of flowers, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of stars.

3. Use color to evoke a specific emotion or feeling.

  • For example, red can evoke a sense of passion or excitement, while blue can evoke a sense of calm or serenity.

4. Use patterns to create a sense of rhythm or flow.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of stripes, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of dots.

5. Use color to highlight the character's personality or role.

  • For example, a character with a bright color palette could be a creative or outgoing person, while a character with a dark color palette could be a serious or mysterious person.

6. Use patterns to create a sense of unity or diversity.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of different colors, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of different patterns.

7. Use color to create a sense of contrast.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of light colors, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of dark colors.

8. Use patterns to create a sense of movement or flow.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of flowing lines, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of swirling patterns.

9. Use color to create a sense of urgency or importance.

  • For example, a character could be wearing a bright color, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of flashing lights.

10. Use patterns to create a sense of mystery or intrigue.

  • For example, a character could be surrounded by a pattern of cryptic symbols, or an event could be surrounded by a pattern of hidden clues.